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Maxiforce 20?10 ml Drinkable Vials


Maxiforce, a natural energy cocktail to fight off infections and lack of energy Maxiforce is a cocktail of energy with a delicious orange flavour. This remedy is full of natural ingredients such as:- Echinacea and Aloe vera that stimulate immune defenses especially during respiratory infections- Ginkgo biloba that increases cognitive abilities- Ginseng that energizes- Cola nut which helps fight fatigue and improve alertness in the short term- Alfalfa which treats general fatigue (asthenia, anemia and spasmophilia)- Spirulina that supplements iron, protein and carotenoid intake- Sage which is an excellent source of vitamin K which strengthens the bonesDelicious orange flavoured energy cocktail. Full of ingredients of natural source with added echinacea and aloe vera that stimulate the immune system. Used in herbal medicine as a tonic for physical and mental fatigue and to help fight infections, especially infections of the upper respiratory tract.Format : 20 x 10 ml drinkable vialsHowever, we advise you to take these remedies in addition to a traditional medical treatment. Homeopathy can not replace a treatment prescribed by a professional.

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