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Allergy Modulator


Healthy immune function in response to allergies with Tinofend?Allergy Modulator? is an innovative botanical formula designed to maintain, modulate and support healthy immune function in response to allergenic environmental exposures including nasal function, healthy mast cell function, allergic rhinitis, histamine production, etc.Allergy Modulator? utilizes:Tinofend?, the primary ingredient of Allergy Modulator? an extract of the Ayurvedic herb Tinospora cordifolia. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Tinofend? was found to significantly reduce sneezing and nasal discharge, obstruction and itching in a group of 75 subjects with allergic rhinitis.Holy basil has known immunomodulatory effects.Picrorhiza and Nettle leaf have a history of clinical and traditional applications for inhibiting histamine activity.Research suggests that Ecklonia cava can reduce concentrations of allergy-mediating biochemicals in respiratory tissues.Allergy Modulator? has been formulated to help support a healthy immune response to environmental exposure to allergens.UsesUsed in Herbal Medicine as an adaptogen to help increase energy and resistance to stress (in case of mental and physical fatigue related to stress), and to help reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, especially during seasonal allergies.Source of antioxidants.

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