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Certain individuals face panic in certain situations which make them totally dysfunctional. Fears , phobias and a sense of insecurity makes them feel overwhelmed with anxiety. Each anxiety state has its root tied somewhere in the life situation of the suffering individual. There can be myriad situations behind this state of mind. Today we will talk about the panic and anxiety culminating from upcoming events where the issue of performance is to be faced. It can be an examination, a test, an interview, going on an opera, delivering a lecture, arguing a case in the court or feeling inadequate on the honeymoon night. The very thought of the situation makes the heart race faster, tremors happen in the body(both internal trembling and inner trembling), a fear to fall down. Lack of self confidence in such situations pulls down the self worth and self esteem of the sufferer. The individual fears going or staying in narrow and crowded places and develops fear of heights. Any one suffering with such set of symptoms or matching few of them can be helped by a homeopathic remedy ARGENTUM NITRICUM. A single dose in 30 potency can reset everything and the individual can enjoy his life feeling free of any panics, fear and anxiety. There are many remedies for panic and anxiety attacks according to different situations which will be taken up in next blogs.

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